Biobanking & Cryobanking

Biobanking & Cryobanking

Cryobanking repositories are increasing rapidly worldwide in both Liquid Nitrogen storage as well as vapour phase storage. Millions of Euros of value are stored in tanks with a very limited amount of control. Historically controller manufacturers for not offer the ability to monitor and alarm in case of automatic filling issues. These kinds of issues can lead to catastrophic failures endangering the life and health of staff members or damage to the samples themselves.

XiltriX and Cryo Products jointly developed a solution which mitigates these risks and offers full control of any brand of Cryo vessel. This new solution is called CryoXiltriX and offers the best of Liquid Nitrogen Control as well as real-time Biobank monitoring and alarm services.


The New CryoFill 2.0 controller is MDR class 2a certified and can be retrofitted to any brand and type of cryo vessel that is able to autofill. The CryoFill offers hot gas bypass, quick defog and liquid level monitoring as standard. The new One-Fill-All-Fill (OFAF) function offers more convenience and less Liquid Nitrogen consumption.

Turnkey projects

Customers having issues with their repositories or are interested in building a state of the art repository with modern control systems, can turn to the CryoXiltriX solution. National and International project have been successfully executed with the help of our experienced specialists. Please read our CryoXiltriX case studies for more detailed information.

If retrofitting existing or new tanks if not possible. XiltriX can still offer Biobank Monitoring for both liquid filled dewars of all shapes and sizes and tanks of different brands other types of controllers.

Liquid dewars are measured using a temperature level sensor

  • Data on both minimum level and temperature
  • Data on vessel filling and lid openings

Vapour phase vessels are measured using a temperature sensor and digital input

  • Data on temperature at warmest position
  • Data on when vessel controller senses a problem

NextGen Cryobanking

CryoXiltriX brings real-time data management. to your cryobank whatever its size.

  • Data on real-time liquid level & temperature measurements
  • Data on filling action is recorded and alarmed
  • Data on lid movements is recorded and alarmed
  • Data on power failure is recorded and alarmed
  • Data on the vessel general alarm is recorded and alarmed
  • Huge savings on nitrogen gas consumption
  • Can be retrofitted to all brands of vessels
  • Upgrading existing vessels saves up to 75% in costs

If you would like to know more about XiltriX, let me know.

Han Weerdesteyn

XiltriX. Protecting your Science
24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

XiltriX International – Team 2025!

In December 2024 we had the opportunity to bring our whole team together for the Christmas celebrations.

XiltriX International 2025 Marketing Calendar

As the holiday season is upon us, we are already planning ahead for a new year of meetings and trade shows. We would like to share our marketing calendar for the first half of 2025.

XiltriX International succesfully recertified NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015

We are proud to report that the certification was successfully passed. Again, without a single non-conformity!

“Since the XiltriX International B.V. system was supplied and installed in 2016 at the IITA Genetic Resources Centre (GRC), it showed effectiveness, stability and easy handling for the inventory and monitoring of IITA cryobank.”

Dr. Gueye Badara
In vitro Propagation and Conservation Specialist
Tropical RTB Genetic Resources International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Genetic Resources Center (GRC)

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