XiltriX International training week 2022 big success!

Not having been able to meet in person and to share knowledge with a lot of our partners because of Covid, we were very grateful to organize the International Training week for XiltriX this year. Many of our partners were able to send over both commercial and technical staff to grow our partnership and transfer the knowledge needed to provide the right consultancy and service solutions to our customers.

During the training week, XiltriX was able to show the many opportunities in the market for our partners that fit the services and solutions that XiltriX offers perfectly. The Erasmus Medical Centre under the guidance of Mr. Pascal van Elzakker was able to show us the great lengths their center goes to, to provide the highest quality of care, monitoring and alarming services for their patients and samples in the market today.

Special thanks go out to our partners from Asistec, Warba Medical, Dr. Horacio Oduber, Attieh Medico & Cryo Products. Also, thank you to my colleagues Isidor Groenteman and Wybren Vlietstra and all of my other colleagues for making this week a great success!

If you would like to know more about XiltriX, let me know.

Han Weerdesteyn

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