XiltriX International – Team 2025!

In December 2024 we had the opportunity to bring our whole team together for the Christmas celebrations.

XiltriX International succesfully recertified NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015

We are proud to report that the certification was successfully passed. Again, without a single non-conformity!

Dr Xil T-Rex Holiday Photo Competition Winner 2023

Last summer Dr Xil T-Rex travelled the world. The XiltriX celebration comity was very interested in where the Dr went and asked his travel compagnons to make pictures of as many places as possible.

XiltriX International company meeting March 2023

As a company XiltriX International has experienced a rapid growth both nationally as well as internationally; time to come together.

XiltriX International organisation change announcement

XiltriX International has grown rapidly over the years. With an increase in its international customer base, XiltriX has become a global brand for monitoring services.

What’s the Difference Between Calibration and Validation in the Lab?

If you work in a lab you likely need calibration and validation of your equipment and processes. Although they may sound similar, they should not be confused with one another.

XiltriX International training week 2022 big success!

Not having been able to meet in person and to share knowledge with a lot of our partners because of Covid, we were very grateful to organize the International Training week for XiltriX this year

Kuwait Central Blood Bank XiltriX KCBB

Press release – XiltriX commissioned Kuwait Central Blood Bank

Very recently, our XiltriX monitoring service was commissioned in the Kuwait Central Blood Bank (KCBB) to safeguard the precious blood and plasma products.

First of eight XiltriX installations ART Fertility India commissioned

XiltriX was already used successfully for many years in the Middle East; ART Fertility Clinics choose XiltriX as monitoring system.

Labvision Cryo for Life

Labvision reports about XiltriX and Cryo Products joint project in Brazil

In the most recent Labvision a nice piece was printed about the joint project of XiltriX International and Cryo Products. The installation has been running very well for a prolonged period of time and has recently been expanded with scales, weighing the liquid Nitrogen, with XiltriX real-time monitoring also successfully integrated.