
XiltriX International succesfully recertified NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015

We are proud to report that the certification was successfully passed. Again, without a single non-conformity!

Case Study – Erasmus MC Central Biobank relies on XiltriX for Risk Mitigation

The Central Freezer Facility started in the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam started with 56 Nordic Freezers containing up to 164.640 samples.

XiltriX International gets NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 certification

Today we can officially announce that XiltriX International has received the certificate. I am really proud of the team for their hard work and enthusiasm!

Session 77: Driving Efficiencies in IVF Upwards

IVF laboratories are using more and more technology. Varying from benchtop incubators to automatically filled vapour phase storage tank. Not all of these devices can be connected into a centralized digital solution, making monitoring and alarming far from efficient.

OOO: How to Use Data to Improve Operations

COVID-19 has put a lot off pressure on clinics to continue to function without the certainty of being able to go on site in case of an emergency.